Sunday, June 14, 2020

Spirituality may help..!

What is life and what is death..!
One has nothing still thrives..
And, one has everything still dies..
Then what is nothing.. And,
What is everything..

'Nothing' gives hope to march towards something..
'Everything' gives feelings of emptiness which may increase 'state of Apathy'.

Life is a game to be played with strong mindset and gentle heartset.

'Spirituality' should be the base of life.
Understanding of our inner selves is necessary before generating any false expectations.

Life is a celebration or a melancholy, is up to the individual thinking and mindset.

We should train our brain to be resilient in times of distress.

Spirituality may help..! 

-- Ganesh Narvane. 'Bay of Thoughts'

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Live In a Moment...!


'Carpe Diem' is a latin phrase, and its literal translation is " to enjoy the moment ".
Carpe Diem is a phrase taken from a poem the 'Odes' in 23 BC by the poet Horace.

The meaning of poem is elaborated in following lines,

'' Don't ask (its forbidden to know) what end the gods have given me or you, don't play numerology or astrology either. How much better it is to endure whatever it will be !

Whether God has allotted you many more winters or this one, which even now wears out tyrrhenian sea on the opposing rocks, is the final one. be wise be truthful and scale back your long hopes to the short period, while we speak, envious time will have (already) fled. ''

Live in moment, trusting as little as possible in the next day.

Where you find your life is ? Is it in an hour, in a day, in a month or in years.
Simply, it is in a moment, connecting with another moment. indeed!

So, Live In a Moment        

                                    Ganesh Narvane

You sow as you reap..!


In a world of material desires, every human form run with wanting mind, desire of human heart and human mind never ends till one’s last breath. One always come across with such a phase in life when he ends with something with zero gain, then he realize the efforts which he had given to achieve something, went all in vein. Then there starts blame game, he blames destiny, he blames god, he finds every possible reason to blame.

“I have given my best still I am having nothing in my hand” he keeps thinking. By doing so, it spoils his time and it leads to distressed mind. We often give something and expect something different in return. It exactly same as we sow one thing and expect to reap different. But the logic of nature doesn't work as per the human thinking; it is already predefined by god. Only such a thing will reap out which has been sowed.

 In computer programming, if a program is written to sum up two numbers, and in a logical part, instead of ‘+’ sign, if programmer unwittingly  coded ‘-’ sign, And on the output screen if he passes two numbers, 15 and 10 for summation. He would expect result would be 25, but according to logic, result would be 5. Exactly same thing reflects in real life. In order to achieve fruitful end results, one has to be dexterous, keen observer and efficient thinker.

So, Lets outperform.!
                                  Ganesh Narvane 

Customized Life...!


The moment when I realized that the life

Which I am having is the life which I owned.

Yes, I fully owned my life.

So then next immediate moment,

I decided to make some customization

Customization of definition of success in my life.

Customization of definition of happiness in my life.

Customization of definition of achievement in my life.

And decided to customize what love is.

Because, success, happiness, achievement and love are the most important things of life.

So, as I owned my life.

I must customize it, as I like…
