Sunday, September 15, 2024

!...... The Brave Heart....!!

   !...... The Brave Heart....!!

While sitting in the presence of solitude, pondering on happenings within me

There came a thought in my mind to have a chat with my heart

Oh! My beloved heart, I feel really sad that I put you in trouble and deep pain

I, being your care taker don’t care you properly; I lead you towards road of troubles and sorrows

My heart was listening attentively, smiled, and thought for a moment then replied politely

You are feeling sad because you put me in troubles and sorrows and you lead me towards sufferings..

Ok, all the different kind of feelings, are sensed by me, I feel great to have a power to sense feelings.

To sense any kind of feeling is nice experience. No feelings are same. They are unique and precious.

To feel happiness or success, is really a great experience but surely, it does not make me strong, heart said.

The strength comes from sufferings, facing difficulties, learning from failures, rising again from where you fell.

And surely, these are precious feelings you introduced me with those.

I, your heart doesn’t matter how much hurt and pain I feel. I know how to deal with it.

And those hearts which know what is sufferings, and that faces the highest difficulties and those which deal with pain are very close to God.

And of course I am not here to experience always happiness, success, joys, then being an active part of life; I want to experience all the consequences of life; then be it troubles, sorrows, sufferings or a deep pain, I will sense these experiences with positivity, without any regret or any disappointment.  

Then my brave heart concluded his speech by showing a pleasant smile...

What can I expect anything other than this from my beloved heart.

Then, at last I thanked god for offering me such a precious brave heart.

So, now onwards, I can lead my life without any fear, without any worry, without getting affected by life’s consequences... I will lead ahead in life with my Brave Heart..

--- By Ganesh D. Narvane, Written on :- 15-06-2015

Missing Smile..!

            !........  Missing Smile...!

Oh my beloved smile, how could I find you

Storm surrounded intentionally hidden you

Truly, I lead the way to be the hero

By ruining the storm would make it zero

Once faded smile then glitters like gold

Sorrows and troubles then penniless be sold

Then you and I would be the best pal

The rapture mind would diminish critical time of survival

You are my guest and you would be taken cared very best

I experience your presence in the form of happiness, victory   and love

You will be evaluated all of the above

When you show your presence eyes glitters cum happiness

The smiling face is the indication of heart's braveness

Just be with me for whole the life

A new friend

!.............  A new friend...!

I never knew your presence

Casually I came across you

I overhelmed with joy by seeing your beauty

I found peace in you which I seeked ever

I found solitude in you which I desired ever

I found discipline in you.

Surely, you are eye catchy

And strange is, this eye catchy thing is not any living thing

It is home of so many living creatures

It is a well crafted piece of nature, it is a beautiful garden

In it I found…

Best of peace …

Best of happiness…

Best of solitude…

Best of Friend…

It contained…

Tall happy trees whose leaves showing greatest of their happiness dancing with the wind

Freely soaring and chirping birds, were showing their wealth

A piece of land decorated with growing green lawn.

And a small yet beautiful temple which bestowing a power of praying to all these creatures.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Proud Looser

I feel

I am a looser

I lost my fear

I lost my anger

I lost my impatience

I lost my weakness

I lost the greed

I lost all the bad

I am marching to be a winner

However, I feel, I am a proud looser

--- Written On - 05 Apr. 2017 -  " Bay Of Thoughts "

Friday, January 27, 2023

Spirituality may help..!

What is life and what is death..! One has nothing still thrives.. And, one has everything still dies.. Then what is nothing.. And, What is everything.. 'Nothing' gives hope to march towards something.. 'Everything' gives feelings of emptiness which may increase 'state of Apathy'. Life is a game to be played with strong mindset and gentle heartset. 'Spirituality' should be the base of life. Understanding of our inner selves is necessary before generating any false expectations. Life is a celebration or a melancholy, is up to the individual thinking and mindset. We should train our brain to be resilient in times of distress. Spirituality may help..! -- Ganesh Narvane ' Bay of Thoughts'